Entrepreneurship in a Rental Apartment
More people have decided that working from home makes more sense to them to preserve their physical and emotional health. After the Covid-19 pandemic quarantine closed many offices and staff members were sent home to work from their living rooms and kitchens, we discovered that we could be just as (if not more) productive there than in the shared spaces of office complexes. We also learned that working from home gave us more flexibility, more time with family, and more options for what was possible.
Living in an apartment or other small rental space doesn’t preclude you from being able to have your own home-based business. It just means you may have to be a little more creative with utilizing your space than those who have larger home offices. Kjerstan Designs shares some tips to help you make the most of your entrepreneurial journey.
Rental Considerations
Your first step will be to decide what kind of business to proceed with so you can determine what kind of lease, zoning, and licensing considerations you’ll be facing. If you are a sole proprietor, you may not need to file any paperwork with the city or state to begin. However, if you form an LLC, you won’t be responsible for any business losses as they will then become separate from your personal finances. Different states have different rules regarding how to get an LLC, and you can save attorney fees by doing it yourself.
Next, look for a larger apartment if your current apartment isn’t large enough to accommodate your home business. You can simplify your search for rentals in Fort Myers by visiting sites online and setting your price range so you only see properties within your budget and preferred neighborhood. Also, read your lease thoroughly and check with your landlord if you’re not sure what provision applies to you having a business located in your rental property.
Your Work Space
Small spaces mean you’ll have to be creative when it comes to how you’ll design your workplace. Take advantage of space-saving ideas like pull-down desks that can be folded up against the wall when you’re not using them.
Family Handyman explains how you can turn a closet into a small office with lighting, shelves, and added electrical outlets. If you’re handy, you can DIY it. But if you’d rather find a professional for the job, use an online service that gives recommendations based on user reviews before you contract out any repairs or upgrades.
Naturally Stellar notes to keep the space clear of clutter by hiding most things out of sight. This can be done with items like chic boxes and risers for your bed to create storage space. Add a few low-maintenance plants and be sure to trim any dead leaves right away since a withering plant can add a sense of doom and failure to a room.
If your place is large enough and accessible enough for clients to come to you, then make that space as professional as possible. That means a place away from children, pets, and noise from televisions and games. If your home office isn’t conducive to greeting clients, you can always arrange to have your meetings away from home in a local coffee shop with easily accessible and free parking.
Deciding When to Outsource or DIY
Operating a business from home doesn’t mean it has to look any less professional than a business operating in an upscale office park. You can and should have materials that convey a sense of professionalism and quality. For example, you can create business cards using online tools. That way, you can change it as often as you’d like, making it both a way of introducing yourself and also a marketing tool since you can quickly and easily include your latest promotional information.
Smaller marketing projects can often be done using free or inexpensive online tools, but designing your website is another matter. If you don’t have experience with design, layout, or web development, this is definitely a project to outsource. Kjerstan Designs offers web development and social media packages to get your marketing up and running quickly and with a professional appearance.
Go Small for Success
Having a small business in your rental home is not only doable, but can be a satisfying and rewarding career move. There is no need to worry about your small workspace as long as you keep it professional and organized. Find a great apartment that gives you just the right amount of space to get your new business off the ground, and outsource when a project is more than you can manage. Then, start building!